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Golf Swing Check-5

Five Steps To A Better Swing ...

To keep your golf swing in check, here is a practice drill you can try indoors or outdoors. [MORE...]

Swing Check-5 Golf Practice Drill

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Regardless of the weather, you can still keep your swing tight and on plane. This drill can be done with any club from your wedge to your driver.

Check Number 1

Check Number 2

Check Number 3

Check Number 4

Check Number 5

Where Is Your
Club Face?

Perfectly Simple
Golfing Tips

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Golf Swing

Golf Swing

Swing Check Number 1

First place a club or something straight down in front of you to give you a target line. Next, place a second club or item straight down to show you your parallel position to your target line. This is where you will stand at address.

Now, take your address to the target line. Make sure your posture, grip, alignment and stance are correct and on the second parallel line.

As you start to swing the golf club in the take-away position, remember to turn your shoulders away from the ball and don’t move your arms to accomplish this, plus keep your head still as if you were over a ball.

Stop when the shaft of the club is parallel with the target line. Now, turn your head and look to see where your club face is pointed.

The club face should be pointed straight up and not to one side or the other. And the shaft of the club should be on the same parallel line as the one on the floor. If it is not, stop and repeat this golf swing check until you can do this every time. This may take a while; be patient.

Swing Check Number 2

Next, turning your shoulders only, move from Check Number 1 to where your left arm (for right-handed players) is parallel to the club on the floor. At this point your left arm (for right-handed players) should be parallel to the guide on the floor.

Your club - now at a 90-degree angle with your arms and the club face - should be pointing down your target line or parallel to it. Stop and check the face as before. If it is not correct, repeat it until you can go through Steps 1 and 2 correctly before you continue.

Swing Check Number 3

Now comes the power. Try and keep your left arm (for right-handed players) as straight as possible while turning your shoulders as far as you can possibly turn them.

The more shoulder-turn, the more power you can create; remember this. Don’t think that you are not making a good turn if you can’t turn your shoulders while keeping your left arm straight (for right-handed players).

The important thing to remember here is to keep the shaft of the club parallel to the guide on the floor. This is very important because it is here that problems begin to creep into the golf swing. Provided you can remain parallel to the guide on the floor, you will be able to start your down swing on plane.

Now, check your club face. It should be pointing down to the ground - not angled to one side or the other. And your shaft should be parallel to the target line or guide on the floor.

Note this golf swing check tip. To start your down swing, think only of dropping your arms from the position they are in as though you are going to let them swing past you; and turn through to a full finish with both arms straight as you move your weight to your left side. Your arms should be in front of you pointing down the target line.

Swing Check Number 4

From the Check Number 3 position your down swing has started. Now drop your arms to where the shaft of the golf club is parallel again to the target line or guide on the floor as they were in the Check Number 1 position. And stop to check that you are in the correct position.

As before the shaft must be parallel to the target line and the face of the club should be pointing straight up! Check this as you have each time to verify the position of the club face. And repeat if it is not correct.

Swing Check Number 5

Once you have mastered Check Number 4, move back to Check Number 3 and swing through to Check Number 5.

Check Number 5 is where the shaft of the club is parallel to the target line or guide on the floor but on your left side, as you transfer your weight to your left side and turn your shoulders to where your belt buckle is facing your target.

Where Is Your Club Face?

Your club face should be pointing up while the shaft of the club is parallel to the target line. After you have gone through all of the checks and you are sure the club face is in the correct position at each point, make the swing without stopping.

Remember your arms are just holding the club and are not causing the golf swing to happen. It is the core of your body that has the power. Your arms must not ever get ahead or fall behind the core of your body during the swing.

When your arms stay with your body during the golf swing you will have a tight swing and control of the direction and flight of the ball.

Practice this until you begin to hear a swoosh sound in front of where the ball should be.

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