What Goes Into Pre-Shot Routine?
Before you swing the golf club you should give a little thought to this question: "Where would be the best place for me to put the ball, given my skills?" This should lead you to at least consider other possibilities as part of your routine.
Feel free to personalize your routine, but here are the main ingredients in between your tee and your putt: target selection, club choice and the swing. Use this strategy for the next 17 holes from the tee box.
Select A Target
It always takes two shots to get to the green, no matter how far your first shot goes. So select a target in the fairway that will give you a clear second shot.
[See Steps 2-3].
Choose A Club
Choose a club that will get you to your target in the fairway while keeping you out of trouble. A 3-metal club is good. Remember it always takes two shots to get to the green; on your approach shot to the green, choose a club that will get you pin high while avoiding trouble.
[See Steps 4-13].
Swing Easy
Swing easy but complete your turn. Be sure to finish the swing.
[See Steps 14-18].
Now repeat the process at each hole across the golf course. But the devil is in the details, so review the full 20-step pre-shot routine.
Related To Pre-Shot Routine
20 Steps To A Better Golf Shot
Golf Course Strategy